学校主页 English



International Undergraduate Program of Software Engineering


(Category: Engineering; Sub-category: Computer; Specialty Code: 080902)

一、专业培养目标 Major Training Objectives


This undergraduate program aims to train talents in the area of software engineering, who master the basic knowledge of natural sciences and social sciences, and master the basic theoretical and applied knowledge of mathematics, computer science and other related disciplines, and master the core theoretical, technical, and engineering principles and methods in software engineering, and be proficient in environments and tools of software engineering. The graduates shall obtain software analysis, design, implementation, and preliminary project management skills, and they shall get comprehensive practical trainings on software projects. Meanwhile they shall also develop abilities of innovativeness, communication and collaboration. Graduates can pursue occupations of software analysis, design, development, operation and maintenance, training and education, etc. in scientific research institutions, colleges and universities, and enterprises.

二、毕业要求 Graduation Requirements


1. 具有较扎实的数学、计算机科学等自然科学基础和良好的人文社会科学素养。

2. 系统地掌握软件工程专业的基础知识,包括基本概念、原理和理论;具备在实际应用中综合运用这些知识的能力,特别是对真实世界的抽象能力及运用软件技术解决实际问题的能力。

3. 熟练掌握软件开发过程中包括需求分析、设计、编码、测试、维护以及软件工程项目管理的技术、方法和工具。了解软件工程领域的理论前沿、应用背景、发展现状和发展趋势。了解软件工程专业领域的技术标准、相关行业法规,具有较强的知识产权保护意识。

4. 完成工程实践训练,具有运用先进的工程化方法、技术和工具从事软件分析、设计、实现、运维和测试等工作的能力。

5. 掌握科学思维方法、工程设计方法和良好工程素养;具有严谨的科学态度、务实的工作作风和较强的沟通和团队协作能力。掌握基本的创新方法,具有追求创新的态度和意识。具有一定的组织管理能力、表达能力、人际交往能力。具有终身学习的精神,具有不断学习和适应技术发展的能力。

6. 能够阅读和理解中文专业资料,掌握资料查询、文献检索的基本方法。

Besides the general requirements(e. g, abide by the relevant rules/regulations from Chinese government and Shandong University of Science and Technology, respect the faculty and Chinese traditions/customs, be in good health condition, etc. ), the students are required to study the basic theoretical and technical knowledge and get practical training in the field of software engineering. They should obtain knowledge, capabilities and experiences in software development process, including software analysis, design, implementation, testing, project management, and engineering literacy. They should also develop the spirit of innovativeness and teamwork, together with communication abilities using a foreign language. Specifically, graduates should have the following knowledge and abilities.

1. Have a solid foundation in natural sciences such as mathematics and computer science, and a good humanities and social science literacy.

2. Systematically master the basic knowledge of software engineering, including basic concepts, principles and theories; have the ability to use this knowledge in practical applications, especially the ability to abstract the real world problems and the ability to apply software technologies to solve practical problems.

3. Proficiency in modern software engineering techniques, methods and tools in software development process, including requirements analysis, design, coding, testing, maintenance and software project management. Understand the theoretical frontiers, application background, state-of-art status and developing trends, as well as the technical standards and relevant industry regulations in the field of software engineering. Have a strong sense of intellectual property protection.

4. Accomplish engineering practical training, get the ability to use advanced engineering methods, techniques and tools to perform software analysis, design, implementation, operation and maintenance and testing.

5. Master scientific thinking modes, engineering design methodologies and good engineering literacy. Have a rigorous scientific attitude, pragmatic working style, and strong communication and teamwork skills. Master basic innovation methods and have the spirit of pursuing innovation. Have a certain organizing and management ability, expressive ability, and interpersonal skills. Have the spirit of lifelong learning, and have the ability to learn continuously and adapt to new technologies.

6. Be able to read and understand Chinese professional materials, master the basic data and literature retrieval methods.

三、主干学科 Major Disciplines


Software Engineering, Computer Science and Technology

四、主要课程 Specialty Core Courses


Advanced Mathematics、Software Engineering Professional Introduction、Foundations of Programming、College Physics、Linear Algebra、Probability and Statistics、Discrete Mathematics、Data Structure(A)、Computer Networks、Digital Logic、Computer Organization Principles、Operating System、Java Programming、Windows Programming、Algorithm Design and Analysis、Introduction to Software Engineering、Web Application Development、Artificial Intelligence、Software Testing and Quality Assurance、Software Project Management、Database System、Data Mining、Human-computer Interaction of Software Engineering、Software Design and Architecture、Compiler Principles、Big Data Analysis、Database Design、Requirement Engineering

五、主要实践性教学环节 Main Practical Teaching and Internship


Experiments of Programming、Practice of Programming、Database Application、Physics Experiments (B)、Experiments of Data Structure、Experiments of Digital logic、Experiments of Java Programming、Practice of Windows Programming、Experiments of Computer Networks、Linux Application Development、Experiments of Algorithm Design and Analysis、Experiments of Principles of Computer Organization、Practice of Web Application Development、Experiments of Operating System、Experiments of Database System、Experiments of Data Mining、Experiments of Software Testing、Course Project of Software Project Management、Experiments of Model-driven Software Development、Experiments of Big Data Analysis、Experiments of Software Design and Architecture、Experiments of Human-computer Interaction of Software Engineering、Course Project of Software Design、Practice of Software Development、Entrepreneurship、Graduation Field Work、Graduation Project.

六、修业年限 Program Duration

四年Four Years

七、授予学位 Degree to Be Awarded

工学学士学位Bachelor of Engineering

八、毕业最低学分要求 Minimum Credit Requirements for Graduation


The minimum credit total for graduation are 156: credits for required general educational courses are 18; credits for required specialty core courses are 83(including specialty fundamental courses and specialty courses); credits for specialty extension courses are 10 (in-course experiments and practices are included in above courses); credits for course project, internship and graduation project are 45.


Program Composition and Distribution of Class Hours and Credits


Credit Allocation for Required Course in Each Semester


十、指导性教学计划进程安排 Guiding Arrangements

(一)通识教育课进程表General Education Course Table


(二)学科基础课进程表Discipline Fundamental Course Table




(三)专业必修课进程表Specialty Compulsory Courses Table




(四)专业拓展课进程表Specialty Extension Course Table


注意:专业拓展课须在毕业前至少选修10 学分

Note: Students are required to obtain a minimum of10 credits from the above optional specialty extension courses.


Internship and Practical Training Table(Non-independent course experiments are not included)





