学校主页 English



International Undergraduate Program of Mechatronic Engineering(International students)


(Category:Engineering; Specialty-category:Mechanical Engineering; Specialty-Code: 080204)

一、专业培养目标 Major Training Objectives


Combined with general education, professional teaching, engineering science education and industrial practice training, the main objectives of Mechatronic Engineering, which is a multidisciplinary undergraduate program (mainly covering the fields of machinery, electronics and control) , aim to cultivate the students’ abilities of self-study, innovation, production organization and management so as to support their future career development(e.g., becoming senior engineers and technicians, outstanding researchers and scholars, etc.) due to the solid and interdisciplinary engineering background, the creative inspiration and ability, as well as the strong ability for actual engineering applications.

二、毕业要求 Graduation Requirements





Besides the general requirements (e.g., abide by the relevant rules/regulations from Chinese government and Shandong University of Science and Technology, respect the faculty and Chinese traditions/customs, be in good health condition, etc.), the students are required to have the knowledge in the field of mechanical engineering, electronic control technology, mechatronic system, computer technology and signal processing technology.

On this basis, the potential ability and knowledge of mechatronic product design and manufacturing, controlling and monitoring of mechatronic equipment and enterprise management shall be acquired. Graduates should have the following knowledge and abilities:

1.Master the necessary knowledge of mechanical principle, mechanical design, engineering materials, electronic technology, mechatronic system, mechanical & electronic transmission control, hydraulic transmission and control, and have the basic skills of drawing, design, calculation, test and device operation. They are also required to understand the technical standard, the relevant industry standards and technology trends in this field.

2. With innovation awareness, the students should have the abilities to analyze and solve the actual engineering problems with knowledge and techniques they have acquired so as to be qualified for the design, development and production of mechatronic products.

3.They are required to have the relative abilities of management, expression, interpersonal communication, self-study with innovative inspiration and collaborative spirit.

三、主干学科 Major Disciplines


Mechanical Engineering, Control Science and Engineering

四、主要课程 Main Courses


Advanced Mathematics, College Physics, Linear Algebra, Probability and Statistics, Foundations of Computer Programming(C Language), Fundamentals of Engineering Drawing, Application of Mechanical Engineering Drawing, Theoretical Mechanics, Material Mechanics, Fundamentals of Electric Circuits, Technology of Electronics, Engineering Fluid Mechanics, Microcontroller, Theory of Machines and Mechanism, Mechanical Design, Fundamentals of Mechanical Manufacturing Technology, Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing, Mechanical Engineering Material, Control Technology in Mechanical Engineering, Sensor and Monitoring Technology, Computer Numerical Control(CNC), PLC Technology, Mechanics and Control, Introduction to Mechatronics, Power Supply for Factory, System Simulation and Its Application, Finite Element Method,Introduction to Robotics, Hydraulic Transmission and Control, Electrical Machines and Drive.

五、主要实践性教学环节 Main parts of Practical Teaching and Internship


Course Project for Theory of Machines and Mechanism, Practice of Modeling and Simulation of Product Engineering Training, Course Project of Micro-controller, Course Project of Mechanical Design, Course Project of Hydraulic Transmission and Control, Innovation Practice, Engineering Internship, Graduation Project/Thesis.

六、学制Program Duration

四年Four Years

七、授予学位Degree to Be Awarded

工学学士Bachelor of Engineering

八、毕业最低学分要求 Minimum Credit Requirements for Graduation


The total credits required for graduation are 160。


Program Composition and Distribution of Class Hours&Credits




十、指导性教学计划进程安排 Guiding Arrangements

(一)通识教育课进程表General Education Course Table


(二)学科基础课进程表Discipline Basic Course Table


(三)专业必修课进程表Required specialty Course Table






(四)专业拓展(选修)课进程表Specialty Extension (Elective) CourseTable



Six of the twelve elective credits shown in the above table are required before graduation.


Internship and Practical Training Table(Non-independent course experiments are not included)



